Update on Shreiner-Concord Cemetery

Dear friends,

I am happy to have news to share regarding the Poetry Paths project at Shreiner-Concord Cemetery. Thanks in advance for sharing this email with your neighbors at Shreiner Concord.

Last week the Shreiner-Concord board and Poetry Paths staff met to discuss the outcome of the Selection Committee’s meeting regarding the two artists’ proposals we had solicited and received for the Cemetery.

To start, both the Selection Committee and the Board determined that they would not want to choose either proposal for the Cemetery.  For a variety of reasons, neither proposal seemed to the Board to be the right fit for the Cemetery.  The Board was also mindful of the fact that the Cemetery is very much a work-in-progress, with an abundance of historic and community significance that is still being tapped.  It was decided that now is not the time for the Board to commission and install a piece of art that would be as extensive as both pieces that were proposed.

The Board did conclude that it would like to continue to work with Poetry Paths to commission a piece that would be the right fit for the Cemetery.  Board members concluded that they would like to work with one of the two artist-finalists to commission a piece of functional, architectural seating that will be installed in the Cemetery. This piece will incorporate the poems that the Board has already selected.

In upcoming weeks, the Board will work with the artist to develop a final design for the piece.  We’ll be sure to post further news about this project as we have it.

Thanks to all for your continued interest in Poetry Paths, here and at all of our sites!


Kerry & Tashya


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Podcast on Poetry Paths at PCA&D

THE LANCAST has just published an insightful podcast interviewing the artists, poet and partners from the Poetry Paths piece at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Read more and download here .

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Answering your questions about the process we used at Shreiner-Concord

Several people have written to us to ask if they could see the other artists’ proposals we received for Shreiner-Concord Cemetery. In fact, we only solicited two proposals from artists for the site, and we have presented both of these proposals to the public. We thought we might help clear up any confusion if we explained the process we have used to reach the stage of having proposals by artists for the public to review.  We’ve shared this list of steps with the members of the Board of Shreiner-Concord Cemetery who served on the Selection Committee, and they agree with our version of this history.  Here it is:

In 2010, we met with the S-C board to invite their involvement.  The Board then voted to pursue a possible Poetry Paths piece at Shreiner Concord, and they designated a selection committee of three to choose the poems and work with us to select an artist.  In January of 2011, we drafted a Request for Poems for S-C and vetted it with the Shreiner Concord selection committee.  In early February, we sent the Call out nationally, and we received poems by about 15 living poets to be considered for the site.

We also gathered poems by Lancaster public school children and deceased poets for the selection committee’s consideration.  The committee and other Board members also submitted several historic texts for consideration.  In March 2011, the selection committee chose an array of five to six poems by both living and dead writers to be included in a piece of art.  The Board agreed with the committee’s selections.

Also in early spring of 2011, we developed a Request for Qualifications for all of the Poetry Paths sites in Lancaster for which were still seeking proposals by artists, and we distributed that call nationally through public art networks and on our website.  We received about 50 submissions of qualifications, including images of previous work and c.v’s, by artists and designers who said that they would welcome being considered for any upcoming Requests for Proposals for Poetry Paths.

In mid-spring, we narrowed the group of 50 artists down to 12 by eliminating all artists whose work did not meet the basic criteria for the S-C site.  We were left with about a dozen artists who had a record of previous public art installations and did outdoor sculpture, seating, metal work, mosaic, landscape design, and/or art in historic sites. We shared this short list of artists and their images with the artist and architect members of our Poetry Paths Advisory Committee, the Public Art Manager for the City of Lancaster, and the S-C selection committee.  The S-C selection committee, members of the Poetry Paths advisory committee and Lancaster’s Public Art manager cast their votes and came to a consensus on choosing 2 of these artists as finalists.

We drafted a Request for Proposals (RFP) and vetted it with the Shreiner Concord selection committee.   In late June, we sent the RFP and five poems to the two artists who had been selected. The RFP is downloadable here.

In late August 2011, we received the two proposals and shared them with the public through our website, facebook and twitter pages, via the newspaper, and via email sent by a member of the S-C board. In late August and early September, the selection committee and the full board of the Cemetery will meet for discussion and will determine which proposal, if either, they want to see installed in the Cemetery.

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Art for Shreiner-Concord

We had a lively community gathering this evening at the Shreiner-Concord Cemetery viewing the two artists’ proposals for the Poetry Paths installation for that site. Thanks to all who attended!

And thanks to all who sent us their comments. The public comment period has now ended. Please stay tuned for more details.

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“Poetry Paths evolving with every new step”

Staff Writer, Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era

The Poetry Paths project started with the audacious goal of weaving poetry into the daily life of Lancaster.

By incorporating poems into public art, the organizers at Franklin & Marshall College’s Writers’ House have sought to put poetry in the places people go: Penn Square, the Amtrak station, Clipper Magazine Stadium, Lancaster Public Library and 11 other sites.

Only one of those projects has been completed, but there are signs that Poetry Paths is starting to show early success.

Read more: http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/441799_Poetry-Paths-evolving-with-every-new-step.html#ixzz1VnSTtBRJ

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View proposals for Shreiner-Concord Cemetery, Friday, Aug 26, 5-7pm

The members of the Shreiner-Concord Foundation board welcome you to a light reception and community gathering where you’ll have the chance to view the two proposals being considered for the site and share your comments helping to inform the final decision. We’d love to hear your input!

Friday, Aug 26, 5-7pm, Chestnut and Mulberry Streets

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Watch the Poetry Paths piece at PCA&D come to life

Photo credit: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design

Excerpt from the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design press release:

The mural in the PCA&D portico is being created by Root 222, a Reading, Pa.-based group of artists who are also members of PCA&D’s alumni community.  Deric Hettinger ’02, Schon Wanner ’08 and Anthony Mark comprise this collaborative that functions like a musical improvisational trio.

Their painting will “serve as a visual map to the metaphysical core of the poem…” according to  Root 222’s artist statement. . . “The mural’s backdrop – a sun set within a nocturne – serves as a reference to the duality contained in the poem, as Szybist’s speaker is both compassionate and fierce. The sky could also be interpreted as a cosmos, a point of creative origin. This aspect seems especially appropriate given that the painting serves as a singular point in a city-wide celebration of creativity, to be installed on a building dedicated to the instruction of the next generation of young artists.”

The poem for PCA&D’s project, “All Times and All Tenses Alive In this Moment,” was written by Mary Szybist, a native of Williamsport, Pa., and an assistant professor of English at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.  Her poem is presented in a sunburst format with no linear beginning or end, and Szybist states that she was “…thinking about faith and doubt and how the two can be entwined and even, perhaps, simultaneous.  I wanted each line to read as a declaration and as an open question.”

Szybist’s poem was featured by Poets.org, the web site of the Academy of American Poets, as a “poem of the day” in January 2011, and will be included in her second book, “Incarnadine,” which is forthcoming from Graywolf Press.  “All Times and All Tenses Alive In this Moment” was selected with input from the public and by a committee comprised of PCA&D staff, faculty members, alumni and students.

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Tabor Community Services & Eastern Market

We are excited to announce that the Poetry Paths piece at Tabor Community Services & Eastern Market was installed last week thanks to a robust collaboration.

Chris Dawson Architect, AIA, the designer of the piece states that “the idea was to create a versatile piece that would serve the noted weekly market but also reference the “front porch” vibe picked up on while walking around the neighborhood. .  . The “branches” or “fingers” off the main spine grew out of the knowledge that the best interactions often occur when seated perpendicular to someone & then a little playfulness was introduced with the angles of those with the thinking that it should read as a piece of art too. The idea that it glows grew out of a notion of being inviting & also creating a secure or safe space.

The poem, an excerpt from Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to the Chair,” can be viewed above.

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Send us your comments! Lancaster Public Library’s design proposals.


The Library's Duke Street Alcove

The Lancaster Public Library’s Duke Street Alcove will soon house a public art installation incorporating the words of Emily Dickinson’s Poem “I Dwell In Possibility”.

Take a look at your two artists’ proposals here (pdf), and send your thoughts, comments and vote to poetrypaths@fandm.edu.

We’d love your opinion!

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Design proposals for Clipper Magazine Stadium: Let us know your thoughts!

Clipper Magazine Stadium

Clipper Magazine Stadium: Circled area is installation site

We would love your feedback on submissions for Poetry Path’s public art installations. We are  currently collecting public comments on two design proposals for Clipper Magazine Stadium. Each artist was tasked with incorporating the words from Le Hinton’s poem, Our Ballpark, into their work. With your help, one of the following design concepts will be chosen to be installed at the Ballpark Entrance.

You can either visit the stadium to view the proposals at this Friday’s Barnstormer’s Game, or download the proposals here.

Please let us know your favorite, and send any comments to poetrypaths@fandm.edu. Thank you for your input!

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